• KIAS Particle Physics journal club meetings are held every Friday, unless notified otherwise.

  • At each meeting, two presenters introduce one or more recent papers, for an allotted time of around 30 minutes each.

  • After the presentations, the speakers for the subsequent meeting are prompted. Their selection generally follows the order in the list on this site.

  • The current organizer is Suro Kim(Contact : surokim@kias.re.kr).

Attendees can sign up for their lunch boxes via the doodle link prepared by the organizer by 18:00 on the Thursday prior.

2022 KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club

KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club meeting

by Dr Toshinori Matsui (KIAS)

KIAS (Online(Zoom))




=============== journal club meeting ===============

Date: Friday 11th Mar 2022 11:00-12:00 (KST)

Place: online (zoom)

Join Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86013009958?pwd=bHVsT1V3ckdOOUcvOVZKdVdmUExVZz09 

Meeting ID: 860 1300 9958

Passcode: 61570650

Newcomer Talk : 

Speaker: Dr. Toshinori Matsui

Title: Flavor dependent U(1) symmetric Zee model

Abstract: In this talk, I will talk about my recent paper. We have extended the Zee model introducing a vector-like lepton doublet with a flavor-dependent global U(1) symmetry. Due to the U(1) symmetry, flavor-changing neutral currents in the quark sector can be naturally forbidden at tree level, while a sufficient amount of lepton flavor violation allows satisfying current neutrino oscillation data. In our model, additional sources of CP-violation appear in the lepton sector, but their contribution to electric dipole moments is much smaller than current experimental bounds due to the Yukawa structure constrained by the U(1) symmetry. We have found that there is a parameter region where the strongly first order EWPT can be realized, which is necessary for the successful scenario of the EWBG in addition to new CP-violating phases. Finally, the detail of collider phenomenology is discussed.


===========lunch polling===============

There is no lunch box this week.




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KIAS HEP-ph Youtube channel:

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Organised by

Suro Kim

KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
Zoom URL