Discrete Goldstone Bosons

Nov 17, 2022, 11:30 AM
The Grand Sumorum, Jeju

The Grand Sumorum, Jeju

114, Maksukpo-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (1513, Beophwan-dong)


Rachel Houtz (IPPP)


In this talk, I will discuss discrete Goldstone bosons
(dGB's), light particles arising from spontaneously broken exact discrete
symmetries. These dGB's are guaranteed to have nonzero masses, while the
associated discrete symmetry protects them from quadratically divergent mass
contributions. The nonzero masses of dGB's arise directly from the discrete
symmetry, without requiring an explicit symmetry breaking mechanism, setting
dGB's apart from other pseudo-Goldstone bosons. After explaining the mass
protection mechanism, I will discuss the generic experimental signals of dGB's.
Below the spontaneous symmetry breaking scale, typically a preserved subset of
the discrete symmetry remains, leading to a telltale signal of degenerate dGB's
being produced simultaneously. Moreover, ratios of multi-scalar production
amplitudes give a probe of the full UV discrete symmetry.

Presentation materials