• KIAS Particle Physics journal club meetings are held every Friday, unless notified otherwise.

  • At each meeting, two presenters introduce one or more recent papers, for an allotted time of around 30 minutes each.

  • After the presentations, the speakers for the subsequent meeting are prompted. Their selection generally follows the order in the list on this site.

  • The current organizer is Suro Kim(Contact : surokim@kias.re.kr).

Attendees can sign up for their lunch boxes via the google forms link prepared by the organizer by 18:00 on the Thursday prior.

2023 KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club

KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club meeting

Room 1423 (KIAS)

Room 1423



=============== journal club meeting ===============

Date: Friday 26th May 2023 11:00-12:00 (KST)

Place: Room 1423/online (zoom)

Join Zoom : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86003055796?pwd=OXpkdTJHOXhpQjBPZysxZXg5ZlBwZz09

Meeting ID : 86003055796

Passcode : 60688383

- Talk Information

Talk1 :

Speaker : Dr. Xing-Yu Yang

Title : 

References : 


Talk 2 : 


Speaker : Prof. Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay


Title : Perspective of Leptoquarks at different colliders

References : 


Leptoquarks are motivated theoretically in the extended gauge group framework. Recently, they are more  motivated  experimentally to explain a few anomalies. Having the quark and the lepton number with fractional electromagnetic charges, they can provide the much needed charged particles adequate to explain such anomalies. Spin zero makes them more favorable in stabilizing the  electroweak vacuum, however perturbative unitary  can constrain the  number of generations. The different phenomenological studies at  the LHC and  muon collider are explored to probe such excitations. The fractional charge and the typical charge configuration make  it possible to have Radiation Amplitude Zero (RAZ) in a lepton-photon or lepton-proton colliders. The position of RAZ  can be  instrumental in probing such leptoquarks. Angular distribution in the reconstructed CM frame at the LHC can distinguish the scalar and vector leptoquarks. 

===========lunch polling===============

Lunch menu will be

Please participate in the polling for the options below before 18:00 this Thursday.

Menu and vote: 


KIAS official Youtube channel:

KIAS HEP-ph Youtube channel:

You can find KIAS HEP-ph calendar:


Organised by

Suro Kim