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2021 Spring KIAS HEP Seminar Series

Status of the reactor antineutrino anomalies and implications for active-sterile neutrino mixing

by Prof. Carlo Giunti (INFN Torino & Università di Torino)


Title: Status of the reactor antineutrino anomalies and implications for active-sterile neutrino mixing

Speaker: Carlo Giunti (INFN Torino & Università di Torino)

Abstract: In this talk I discuss the current status of the reactor antineutrino anomaly, that is a deficit of electron antineutrino events observed in many short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments with respect to the Huber-Muller theoretical prediction.  I discuss the global analysis of the data of reactor short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments in the framework of active-sterile neutrino mixing.  I also discuss the statistical significance of the Neutrino-4 signal.

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