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2021 Spring KIAS HEP Seminar Series

Perturbative benchmark models for a dark shower search program

by Prof. Jessie Shelton (UIUC)


Title: Perturbative benchmark models for a dark shower search program

Speaker: Prof. Jessie Shelton (UIUC)

Abstract: We provide five benchmark hidden valley models with perturbative parton showers, which span a wide range of dark shower phenomenology. We consider production through an s-channel, heavy mediator, which can be identified with the SM Higgs. By assuming a set of well-motivated decay portals, one can moreover fix both the branching ratios of the dark mesons and set a lower bound on their lifetime. We provide a public python tool which can be used to generate self-consistent PYTHIA 8 cards for our benchmark models.

Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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