=============== journal club meeting & seminar ===============
Time: Friday 11:00-13:00 (KST)
Place: Room 1423
- Talk Information
Talk1 (journal club)
Speaker: Dr. Shu-Yu Ho
Title: A Universal Bound on QCD Axions from Supernovae
References: 2410.19902
Note: We will have lunch after talk 1, and then have a talk 2 as a seminar.
Talk 2 (Seminar)
Speaker: Prof. Andrea Caputo
Title: From the ionosphere to dwarf galaxies, chasing new particles
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss possible ways to detect bosonic dark matter. I will first consider a case where these new particles, such axions, couple to the Standard Model. Then, I will pass to a “nightmare” scenario, where dark matter interacts only gravitationally with the standard model particles.
===========lunch polling===============
Lunch menu will be sushi.
Please participate in the polling for the options below before 18:00 this Thursday.
Menu and vote: https://forms.gle/wFhLfJKeG4LCBnDbA
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TaeHun Kim