KCMS-Theory Joint Annual Workshop


This annual workshop serves as a  platform to facilitate in-depth discussions and collaboration between LHC experimentalists and theorists. 

The event will take place at the High One Grand Hotel, located near the scenic High One Ski Resort (https://www.high1.com/ski_eng/index.do), providing an ideal setting for in-depth discussions and collaboration between theorists and experimentalists in the LHC community.

New joint sessions within the meeting with leading experts are focused on the application of Machine Learning, recent advancements in Quantum Information  in High Energy Physics,

Invited Speakers

  • K.C. Kong (University of Kansas) 
  • Kazuki Sakurai (Warsaw University)
  • David Shih (Rutgers University)
  • Ramon Winterhalder (University of Milan)
  • Andrea Wulzer (Barcelona, IFAE / ICREA, Barcelona)

Important notices:

  • Registration: For bus, hotel and winter activities, all participants are required to fill a registration form in KCMS indico webpage ( https://indico.cern.ch/event/1477167/ ) by Dec. 20th (Friday)

    - Above website is protected with an access key: kcms2025

  • There will be two days accompanying workshop at KIAS ( https://indico.kias.re.kr/e/AIHEP2025 )  from Jan 6 (Mon) to Jan 7 (Tue.). Thoes who are interested in recent developments in AI at High Energy Physics are encouraged to participate in.