• KIAS Particle Physics journal club meetings are held every Friday, unless notified otherwise.

  • At each meeting, two presenters introduce one or more recent papers, for an allotted time of around 30 minutes each.

  • After the presentations, the speakers for the subsequent meeting are prompted. Their selection generally follows the order in the list on this site.

  • The current organizer is Dong Woo Kang (Contact : dongwookang@kias.re.kr).

Attendees can sign up for their lunch boxes via the doodle link prepared by the organizer by 18:00 on the Thursday prior.

2021 KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club

KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club meeting

by Dr Suro Kim (KIAS)


=============== journal club meeting ===============

Date: Friday 21th May 2021 11:00-12:00 (KST)

Place: online (zoom)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89629355712?pwd=TFZndEQ1d0d3c0dldHpMRjY4TmIrQT09

Meeting ID: 896 2935 5712

Passcode: 02137731

- Talk Information

Dr. Suro Kim join KIAS from this May.

This week journal club is replaced by his newcomer talk.

Speaker: Dr. Suro Kim

Title: Enlarging the scope of the cosmological collider program

Abstract : Primordial non-Gaussianities can be thought of as a Hubble scale particle collider, so-called the cosmological collider program. In particular, their oscillating feature is a powerful tool to probe new particles around the Hubble scale just like the resonance peak of an ordinary particle collider. However, it is desirable to invent a new approach to probe particles heavier than the Hubble scale. In this talk, I will demonstrate that the sign of the inflation effective interactions can be used to probe spins of new particles heavier than the Hubble scale, enlarging the scope of the cosmological collider. 

===========lunch polling===============

The lunch will be Curry.

Please participate in the polling for the options below before 18:00 this Thursday.

Menu: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RNT1PLlXBSOu0TsGuTSthjKWamk8VKC_/view?usp=sharing

Vote: https://doodle.com/poll/scpkmzgpuwbdr3en?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link


KIAS official Youtube channel:

KIAS HEP-ph Youtube channel:

You can find KIAS HEP-ph calendar:

Organised by

Dong Woo Kang

Zoom Meeting ID
Dong Woo Kang
Zoom URL