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Quantum Algorithm for High Energy Physics Simulations

by Dr Benjamin Nachman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

zoom (KIAS)




Simulating quantum field theories is a flagship application of quantum computing. However, calculating experimentally relevant high energy scattering amplitudes entirely on a quantum computer is prohibitively difficult. It is well known that such high energy scattering processes can be factored into pieces that can be computed using well established perturbative techniques, and pieces which currently have to be simulated using classical Markov chain algorithms. These classical Markov chain simulation approaches work well to capture many of the salient features, but cannot capture all quantum effects. To exploit quantum resources in the most efficient way, we introduce a new paradigm for quantum algorithms in field theories. This approach uses quantum computers only for those parts of the problem which are not computable using existing techniques. In particular, we develop a polynomial time quantum final state shower that accurately models the effects of intermediate spin states similar to those present in high energy electroweak showers with a global evolution variable. The algorithm is explicitly demonstrated for a simplified quantum field theory on a quantum computer.

[KIAS QUC-AIHEP Seminar] Dr. Benjamin Nachman
Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
Zoom URL