Zoom Codes for KIAS HEP zoom seminars :
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by Prof. Nicolas Bernal (Antonio Narino U.)


Title: UV FIMP Dark Matter

Speaker: Prof. Nicolás Bernal (Antonio Narino U.)

Abstract: If the interaction rates between the visible and the dark sectors were never strong enough, the observed dark matter relic abundance could have been produced in the early Universe by non-thermal processes. This is what occurs in the so-called freeze-in mechanism. In the simplest version of the freeze-in paradigm, after dark matter is produced from the standard model thermal bath, its abundance is frozen and remains constant. However, the dark matter dynamics could be not so simple. Here we will study a couple of scenarios, one where the dark matter possess sizable self-interactions (https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.10699), and the other where the dark matter genesis is deeply related inflation (https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.03950).

Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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