=============== journal club meeting ===============
Date: Friday 29th Oct 2021 11:00-12:00 (KST)
Place: online (zoom)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89629355712?pwd=TFZndEQ1d0d3c0dldHpMRjY4TmIrQT09
Meeting ID: 896 2935 5712
Passcode: 02137731
- Talk Information
Newcomer Talk :
Speaker: Dr. Tomasz Dutka
Title: Implications of low-scale seesaws beyond neutrino mass
Abstract: The seesaw mechanism is a highly motivated and popular explanation for the generation of non-zero neutrino mass, which is implied by oscillation experiments. While testability of the minimal seesaw is likely non-existent, extended seesaws can be constructed with much more promising implications for future experiments. More interestingly, extended seesaws can have far reaching implications beyond the simple generation of neutrino mass, allowing for solutions to other problems within the SM at energy scales not far above the electroweak scale. In the first part of this talk I will be discussing how extended seesaws at TeV scales could alleviate various tensions that may occur within high-scale type-I seesaw models of leptogenesis. Such extended seesaws may naturally allow for a resonant enhancement in the generated asymmetry without any adhoc tuning. In the second part of my talk I will discuss how extended seesaws are vital in models of quark-lepton unification where the breaking scale is desired to be as low as possible. I will then discuss how the most famous low-scale quark-lepton unifying theory, the Pati-Salam model, can fit into the overall pictures painted by the current anomalous measurements in rare B decays. Finally I will show how additional charged-fermion seesaws may allow for much lower Pati-Salam breaking scales compared to the minimal prediction.
References: arxiv.org/abs/1802.08373, arxiv.org/abs/1812.11964 and arxiv.org/abs/2012.05976
===========lunch polling===============
The Lunch will not be provided this week.
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Dong Woo Kang