• KIAS Particle Physics journal club meetings are held every Friday, unless notified otherwise.

  • At each meeting, two presenters introduce one or more recent papers, for an allotted time of around 30 minutes each.

  • After the presentations, the speakers for the subsequent meeting are prompted. Their selection generally follows the order in the list on this site.

  • The current organizer is Dong Woo Kang (Contact : dongwookang@kias.re.kr).

Attendees can sign up for their lunch boxes via the doodle link prepared by the organizer by 18:00 on the Thursday prior.

2021 KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club

KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club meeting

by Dr Adil Jueid (KIAS)


=============== journal club meeting ===============

Date: Friday 19th Nov 2021 11:00-12:00 (KST)

Place: online (zoom)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89629355712?pwd=TFZndEQ1d0d3c0dldHpMRjY4TmIrQT09

Meeting ID: 896 2935 5712

Passcode: 02137731

- Talk Information


Newcomer Talk : 

Speaker: Dr. Adil Jueid

Title: Topics in Dark Phenomenology at Colliders and Beyond


Searches of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) carried for a long time in direct, indirect and collider experiments were not successful in finding a new signal of this category of Dark Matter (DM) candidates. Despites this, the WIMPs are still appealing and future experiments may become successful in finding a possible signal. In this talk, I will discuss the progress on two different topics in DM phenomenology:

(1) Phenomenology of a minimal DM model (usually called a lepton portal DM model). This setup extends the SM with two gauge singlets: one charged scalar and one right-handed Majorana fermion. The model has many attractive features as it is predictive, has strong (anti)-correlations between observables, can be embedded into a grand-unified theory and can be tested at electron-positron, muon, hadron and hadron-electron colliders.

(2) Estimating QCD uncertainties in particle spectra for dark-matter indirect searches: In this part, I discuss the progress we have made in a brand-new research area which concerns the modeling of QCD uncertainties in particle spectra for dark-matter indirect searches. When annihilated (or decayed) to a SM final state such as e.g. top-antitop, the annihilation products undergo a sequence of complex processes such as resonance decays, QED and QCD showering, hadronisation and hadron decays. This leads to a set of stable final state particles such as gamma-rays, positrons, antineutrinos or antiprotons whose spectra are computed using Monte Carlo event generators that rely on phenomenological models that depend on many parameters rather than first-principle theories. In this talk, I discuss the modeling of the spectra, the challenges we find in the optimisation procedure and a first time estimate of the uncertainty on the spectra. The corresponding datasets can be found on Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3764809

References : 

A. Jueid, S. Nasri, R. Soualah, JHEP 04 (2021) 012. e-Print: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.01348
A. Jueid, S. Nasri, in preparation.
A. Jueid, in progress.
S. Amoroso, S. Caron, A. Jueid, R. Ruiz de Austri, P. Skands, JCAP 05 (2019) 007. e-Print: https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.07424
A. Jueid, J. Kip, R. Ruiz de Austri, P. Skands, in preparation.


===========lunch polling===============

The Lunch will be not provided this week




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Organised by

Dong Woo Kang

Zoom Meeting ID
Dong Woo Kang
Zoom URL