• KIAS Particle Physics journal club meetings are held every Friday, unless notified otherwise.

  • At each meeting, two presenters introduce one or more recent papers, for an allotted time of around 30 minutes each.

  • After the presentations, the speakers for the subsequent meeting are prompted. Their selection generally follows the order in the list on this site.

  • The current organizer is Dong Woo Kang (Contact : dongwookang@kias.re.kr).

Attendees can sign up for their lunch boxes via the doodle link prepared by the organizer by 18:00 on the Thursday prior.

2021 KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club

KIAS HEP-PH Journal Club meeting

by Dr Wei Su (KIAS)


=============== journal club meeting ===============

Date: Friday 12th Nov 2021 11:00-12:00 (KST)

Place: online (zoom)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89629355712?pwd=TFZndEQ1d0d3c0dldHpMRjY4TmIrQT09

Meeting ID: 896 2935 5712

Passcode: 02137731

- Talk Information


Newcomer Talk : 

Speaker: Dr. Wei Su

Title: Two Higgs doublet Model under LHC and future lepton colliders

Abstract: Studying the properties of Standard Model (SM) – like Higgs boson becomes one important window to explore the physics beyond the SM. In our works, we present studies about the implications of the Higgs and Z-pole precision measurements at current LHC and future Higgs Factories. We perform a global fit to various Higgs search channels to obtain the 95% C.L. constraints on the model parameter spaces of Two Higgs Double Model (2HDM). In the 2HDM, we analyse tree level effects as well as one-loop contributions from the heavy Higgs bosons. The strong constraints on cos(β − α), mΦ and heavy Higgs mass splitting can be complementary to direct search of the LHC and Z pole precision measurements.  Our works also scrutinize the relationship between SFOPT required by baryogenesis and SM-Higgs coupling deviation at LHC and future lepton colliders.

References : 

1709.06103J. Gu, H. Li, Z. Liu, S. Su ,WS)

1808.02037 ( N. Chen, T. Han, S. Su, WS, Y. Wu )

1912.01431 ( N. Chen, T. Han, S. Li, S. Su, WS, Y. Wu )

2004.04172 (F. Kling, S. Su, WS,  )

2008.05492 (T. Han, S. Li, S. Su, WS, Y. Wu )


===========lunch polling===============

The Lunch will not be provided this week




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You can find KIAS HEP-ph calendar:

Organised by

Dong Woo Kang

Zoom Meeting ID
Dong Woo Kang
Zoom URL