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2021 Fall KIAS HEP Seminar Series

Superfluid Effective Field Theory for Dark Matter Direct Detection

by Yining You (University of Florida)

zoom (KIAS)




Title: Superfluid Effective Field Theory for Dark Matter Direct Detection


Speaker: Yining You (University of Florida)


Abstract: We develop an effective field theory (EFT) framework for superfluid 4He to model the interactions among quasiparticles, helium atoms and probe particles. Our effective field theory approach brings together symmetry arguments and power-counting and matches to classical fluid dynamics. We then present the decay and scattering rates for the relevant processes involving quasiparticles and helium atoms. The presented EFT framework and results can be used to understand the dynamics of thermalization in the superfluid, and can be further applied to sub-GeV dark matter direct detection with superfluid 4He.

Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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