Code of online KIAS HEP seminars via Zoom

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KIAS HEP seminars

Is sub-eV active neutrino Dirac or Majorana particle?

by Prof. Choong Sun Kim (Yonsei Univ./Dongshin Univ.)

1423 in building 1 (KIAS)

1423 in building 1



Title: Is sub-eV active neutrino Dirac or Majorana particle?

Speaker: Choong Sun Kim (Yonsei University/Dongshin University)  

Abstract: The nature of neutrino, whether it is a Dirac type or Majorana type, may be comprehensively probed using their quantum statistical properties. If neutrino is a Majorana fermion, then by definition it is identical and indistinguishable from the corresponding antineutrino. When a Majorana neutrino and antineutrino are pair produced, the corresponding state has to obey Pauli principle unlike in the Dirac case. We use this property to distinguish between the two cases using the process B0 → µ− µ+ νµ ¯νµ.  

Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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