2:00 PM
Probing Ultralight Dark Matter with Space-based Gravitational-Wave Interferometers
Yong Tang
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2:30 PM
Dark Matter Capture, Multiple Scattering and Thermalsation in Compact Stars
Giorgio Busoni
(The Australian National University)
3:00 PM
Earth and Celestial Bodies as Dark Matter Laboratories
Ningqiang Song
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
3:50 PM
Gauged quintessence : dark energy with gauge symmetry
Jiheon Lee
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
4:10 PM
Misalignment mechanism for a mass-varying vector boson
Jaeok Yi
4:30 PM
Light Thermal Self-Interacting Dark Matter in the Shadow of Non-Standard Cosmology
Dibyendu Nanda
5:00 PM
Dark Z boson and the W boson mass anomaly
Kazuki Enomoto
5:20 PM
Self-interacting dark matter and the GRB221009A event
5:40 PM
Light thermal Dark Matter Beyond p-Wave Annihilation
Tian-Peng Tang
(Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences)