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KIAS HEP seminars

Unveiling New Physics through Flavor Anomalies

by Prof. Fanrong Xu (Jinan U.)

Room 1423 (KIAS)

Room 1423 (KIAS)


Title: Unveiling New Physics through Flavor Anomalies

Speaker: Prof. Fanrong Xu (Jinan U.)

Abstract: Flavor physics is commonly regarded as an indirect avenue for probing new physics. While lepton non-universalities in B decays have recently waned, optimism persists. In this presentation, I will delve into the current landscape from three perspectives. Firstly, global fits offer a model-independent approach to comprehending the latest data. I will showcase our recent work on global fits, revealing intriguing indications that new physics may manifest in the Wilson coefficient C9. Secondly, the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) provides a less model-dependent interpretation of experimental data and fitting outcomes. I will highlight several compelling predictions that emerge when data is examined through the lens of SMEFT. Lastly, the exploration and testing of specific new physics models remain crucial. The parameter space of the Gauged Two Higgs Doublet Model (G2HDM) based on some of flavor data will be partially presented.