Code of online KIAS QUC-AIHEP seminars via Zoom

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Quantum Algorithms for long distance physics at Colliders

by Dr Christian Bauer (LBNL)

Online (zoom) (KIAS)

Online (zoom)



Title: Quantum Algorithms for long distance physics at Colliders

Speaker: Dr. Christian Bauer (LBNL)

Abstract: Collider observables are notoriously difficult to compute due to the presence of long distance physics for which perturbation theory in QCD becomes unreliable due to asymptotic freedom. While we have developed techniques over the years that allow us to isolate the long distance physics from easier to compute short distance effects, we are still often left with poorly understood and incalculable contributions. I will show how one can use Quantum Algorithms to calculate effects that are not possible to predict using standard techniques with classical computers.

Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
Zoom URL