Code of online KIAS QUC-AIHEP seminars via Zoom

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[Seminar] Prof. Anirban Das

by Prof. Anirban Das (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Online (KIAS)




Title : Dark Matter Power-sensing with Quantum Devices

Speaker : Prof. Anirban Das

Abstract : Low mass dark mass search has emerged as the next frontier in the direct detection experiments. In this talk, I will describe the novel idea of using transmon qubits and other mesoscale superconducting quantum sensors to detect power deposition from dark matter-nucleon scattering. I will briefly describe the power deposition calculation method, and show that the exceptional sensitivity of the existing quantum devices already allows us to put competitive limits on dark matter-nucleon scattering cross section without any dedicated dark matter experiment. Finally, I will show future projections of this limit that is achievable within the next few years, and outline ways to build future collaborations in this direction.



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