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[Seminar] Prof. Hajime Fukuda

by Prof. Hajime Fukuda (U. Tokyo)

Online (KIAS)




Title :  Detecting Hidden Photon and Axion Dark Matter Using Superconducting Qubits

Speaker : Prof. Hajime Fukuda

Abstract : Superconducting qubits are one of the most promising candidates for quantum computers, which have been rapidly being developed in these days. We propose to use superconducting qubits to detect the hidden photon and axion dark matter of a mass of O(10) μeV. By measuring the excitation of qubits by the dark photon, we find that one can reach 𝜀∼10^-13–10^-12 (where 𝜀 is the kinetic mixing parameter of the hidden photon) with a few tens of seconds using a single standard superconducting qubit. We also propose to construct a quantum circuit to enhance the dark matter signal, which may improve the reach by O(n_q), where n_q is the number of involved qubits. Using the entangled sensor, we may reach the QCD axion region if we adopt the most optimistic setup.



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