Title: New Physics around the corner: Light Higgs bosons or Light SUSY?
Speaker: Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/IFCA (CSIC))
Abstract: The search for BSM physics is the main focus of todays high-energy physics. We will discuss two examples for direct and indirect BSM searches. Both examples show an interesting discrepancy with the SM prediction.
(i) Direct searches for light Higgs bosons show two excesses at ~96 GeV. We analyze these excesses in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model extended by a real singlet (N2HDM) as well as in a corresponding supersymmetric theory. Future experimental tests of these scenarios are presented.
(ii) Indirect searches for BSM physics recently confirmed the experimental result for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, leading to a 4.2 sigma discrepancy with the SM prediction. We analyze this deviation in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show that light electroweak (EW) SUSY particles can easily explain this discrepancy, while being in agreement with all other experimental and theoretical constraints. This places upper bounds on EW SUSY particles that can be tested at current and future colliders.