Code of online KIAS HEP seminars via Zoom

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KIAS HEP seminars

Investigating the Nielsen Identity Perturbatively and the efforts towards the gauge invariant observable evaluations

by Dr Yi-Lei Tang (Sun Yat-Sen Univ.)

Online (zoom) (KIAS)

Online (zoom)



Title: Investigating the Nielsen Identity Perturbatively and the efforts towards the gauge invariant observable evaluations

Speaker: Yi-Lei Tang (Sun Yat-Sen Univ.)

Abstract: The Nielsen identity is usually regarded as the key to a gauge invariant calculation of the observables. It had been realized that a finite order of perturbative expansion or a simple resummation of the effective potential do not rigorously fit this identity. In this talk I study how the Nielsen identity holds up to arbitrary orders by looking into the structures of the Feynmann diagrams, rather than straightforwardly calculating them order by order. This might be a preliminary part of my  effort towards a gauge invariant calculation for our concerned physical observables.

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KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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