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KIAS HEP seminars

Enhanced power spectra from multi-field inflation

by Dr Perseas Christodoulidis (Ewha Womans U., Seoul)

Room 1423 (KIAS)

Room 1423 (KIAS)


Title: Enhanced power spectra from multi-field inflation

Speaker: Dr. Perseas Christodoulidis (Ewha Womans U., Seoul)

Abstract: We investigate the enhancement of the power spectra in models with multiple scalar fields large enough to produce primordial black holes. We present analytic solutions for the perturbations in the case of constant turns without the need for an effective field theory for the first time and clarify the role of the Hubble friction that has been overlooked previously. For an arbitrary number of fields we derive the criteria that can lead to an exponential amplification of the curvature perturbation on subhorizon scales, while leaving the perturbations stable on superhorizon scales. Finally, we apply our results on a three-field generalization of the "ultra-light" scenario and show how the presence of field-space torsion can yield distinct observables compared to the two-field case.
This talk will be based on 2311.04090.