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KIAS HEP seminars

Axi-Higgs Cosmology

by Dr Lingfeng Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


Title: Axi-Higgs Cosmology

Speaker: Lingfeng Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Abstract: If the electroweak Higgs vacuum expectation value $v$ in early universe is $\sim 1 \%$ higher than its present value $v_0=246\,{\rm GeV}$, the $^7$Li puzzle in BBN and the CMB/$\Lambda$CDM tension with late-universe measurements on Hubble parameter are mitigated.  We propose a model of an axion coupled to the Higgs field, named “axi-Higgs”, with its mass $m_a \sim 10^{-30}$–$10^{-29}\,{\rm eV}$ and decay constant $f_a \sim 10^{17}$–$10^{18}\,{\rm GeV}$, to achieve this goal.  The axion initial value $a_{\rm ini}$ yields an initial $\Delta v_{\rm ini}/v_0 \sim 0.01$ throughout the BBN-recombination epoch and a percent level contribution to the total matter density today.  Because of its very large de Broglie wavelength, this axion matter density $\omega_a$ suppresses the matter power spectrum, alleviating the CMB/$\Lambda$CDM $S_8/\sigma_8$ tension with the weak-lensing data.  It also explains the recently reported isotropic cosmic birefringence by its coupling with photons.  Adding the axion ($m \sim 10^{-22}\,{\rm eV}$) in the fuzzy dark matter model to the axi-Higgs model allows bigger $\Delta v_{\rm rec}$ and $\omega_a$ to address the Hubble and $S_8/\sigma_8$ tensions simultaneously.  The model predicts that $\Delta v$ may be detected by the spectral measurements of quasars, while its oscillation may be observed in the atomic clock measurements.

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KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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