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KIAS HEP seminars

Constructing the covariant 3-point vertex systematically

by Jae Hoon Jeong (Jeonbuk National University)

Online (KIAS)




Title: Constructing the covariant 3-point vertex systematically

Speaker: Jae Hoon Jeong (Jeonbuk National University)

Abstract: An algorithm is developed for efficiently constructing the Lorentz covariant effective three-point vertices of the decay of a particle into two daughter particles in which all the masses and spins of the three particles can be arbitrary. The closely-related one-to-one correspondence between the helicity formalism and the covariant formulation is exploited for counting the number of independent terms and identifying the basic covariant three-point vertices. Assembling the basic operators according to the developed algorithm enables us to construct all the covariant three-point vertices systematically. All the fundamental operators, which can appear in the three-point vertices, can be denoted by the linear combinations of the basic operators. It is shown that the general couplings of the three-vector-boson $V^* W^-W^+$ interaction with ($V=\gamma$ or $Z$)  derived according to our algorithm are consistent with those given in a previous work.

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KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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