Code of online KIAS HEP seminars via Zoom

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KIAS HEP seminars

Crossing two-component dark matter models

by Mr Min Ui (KASIT)

Online (zoom) (KIAS)

Online (zoom)



Title: Crossing two-component dark matter models

Speaker: Min Ui (KAIST)

Abstract: We study scalar and fermionic crossing two-component dark matter (C2CDM) models with U(1)X gauge symmetry. This U(1)X gauge symmetry is broken via the dark Higgs mechanism of a complex scalar field and the dark photon becomes massive. On the other hand, the same complex scalar field also serves as a bridge between each component of two DM sectors such that the dark flavor-changing neutral current (DFCNC) interaction between them is induced. Moreover, the mass splitting between these two DM sectors is generated after U(1)X gauge symmetry breaking. We discuss the stability of DM candidates and allowed parameter space from the relic density and other constraints in C2CDM models.

Zoom Meeting ID
KIAS HEP-PH Organizer
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