Title: SMEFT Validity at the LHC
Speaker: Xiaochuan Lu (University of California San Diego)
Abstract: The application of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) for motivating and interpreting LHC searches has received growing attention in recent years. Despite numerous technical and practical developments, currently there is still no consensus regarding how to address the issues of validity and uncertainties associated with the SMEFT truncation in operator dimension. In this talk, I focus on the validity aspect. It is a nontrivial question because when the search channel is sufficiently inclusive in terms of the energy of the final state particles, an EFT description could still be valid even when the new physics scale is significantly below the center of mass energy at the LHC, due to the effects of proton parton distribution functions. I propose a new approach where the perturbative partial wave unitarity bound is used as a bottom-up indicator for the EFT validity. We demonstrate the success of this approach with toy UV models