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KIAS HEP seminars

Transient Targets for Dark Matter and BSM fields using Quantum Sensors

by Dr Jason Arakawa (U. Delaware, Newark)

Room 1423 (KIAS)

Room 1423 (KIAS)


Title: Transient Targets for Dark Matter and BSM fields using Quantum Sensors

Speaker: Dr. Jason Arakawa (U. Delaware, Newark)

Abstract: In a broad class of theories, the accumulation of ultralight dark matter (ULDM) with particles of mass $10^{-22}~\textrm{eV} < m_{\phi} < 1~\textrm{eV}$ leads to the formation of long-lived bound states known as boson stars. When the ULDM exhibits self-interactions, prodigious bursts of energy carried by relativistic bosons are released from collapsing boson stars in bosenova explosions. I will show the potential reach of terrestrial and space-based experiments for detecting transient signals of emitted relativistic bursts of scalar particles. The ULDM is coupled to photons, electrons, and gluons in an EFT framework, encapsulating a large space of theories. These bursts of relativistic scalars could be detected by a host of different detectors, such as a nuclear clock and space based interferometers.  Additionally, I will discuss the prospects for multimessenger signals, which include coincidence detection of new ultralight bosonic degrees of freedom with a SM signal from the same source, also using quantum sensors.