Title: Noncommutative (algebraic) geometry, fundamental physics, and quantum information.
Speaker: Otto Kong (Taiwan National Central Univ.)
Abstract: We have developed a symmetry theoretically based framework for fundamental physics with a picture of noncommutative (algebraic) geometry for spacetime, quantum mechanics, and beyond. A central new conceptual notion is the noncommutative values of observables, q-number values for q-number observables. The noncommutative values may be the noncommutative analog of the c-numbers, i.e. real numbers, at least for physics if not for mathematics. Practically, they may be the best representation of pieces of quantum information, helping to give a picture of quantum reality as a direct noncommutative version of the classical one. There are many new results with great theoretical and philosophical implications. We will give a sketch of that all focusing on the perspectives rather than the details.